Electo-Magneto Statics Spring 2024

Lecturer: W. Unruh. 311B Hennings bldg (East side of bldg inside Rm 311).
Tel: 822 3273 FAX: 822 5324

Teaching Assistant: Luke Kuhn

Web Site: www.theory.physics.ubc.ca/301-24
(For Assignments, Solutions, extra notes, this blurb, etc.)

Text: Griffiths: Introduction to Electrodynamics (5th edition) plus additional notes. (The 4th edition should also work)

Course Times: Lectures MWF 9:00-10:00 Life 2202

Course components: (The mark distributions are approximate) I have not made the above mark distribution definite as I want freedom to be able to adjust class marks to take into account happenstances of the year.

I expect everyone to pass, although offer no guarantees. On past record it is rare to fail the course if you put in the work. In fact, in the past students have, in general, done well, but this course will require you to think.

Purpose of the Course

The purpose of the course is to begin you understanding of modern classical electromagnetic theory. 301 covers the approximation in which time scales are much longer than any distance scales divided by the velocity of light. In large part it is to learn to manipulate the mathematics of functions of many variables, and to begin to understand modern Field theory. While historically the electromagnetism began as separate theories of electricty and magnetism, and only gradually became the unified theory it is now, I will approach this course from the viewpoint of modern electromagnetic theory, in which the potentials are the fundamental, although not-directly-measureable quantities, with the electric and magnetic fields being derived from the potentials rather than vice-versa. This will be to a certain extent in tension with Griffith's philosophy in his text. So be it. It is also to prepare you for Physics 401, electro-magnetic dynamics, in which the 21st century approach of EM plays a stronger role.

Copying, Plagiarism, etc

As you should know by now, copying and plagiarism are frowned up very strongly by the university. I also get upset. I am perfectly fine with you working together on the assignment but everyone should make sure that they write up the solutions separately. Simply copying your friends assignment can land you in very hot water-- i.e., do not do it. Working together on the exams (Mid Term or final) is not acceptable.
Similarly, plagiarism is also not to be done. This includes using an essay you have already used for another course, copying other people's essays, buying essays off the web or elsewhere, having someone else write your essay for you, using material from the web or elsewhere without properly referencing it, etc.
The Calendar has an extensive section on Academic misconduct.
Plagiarism and Citation described and
Discipline for Academic Misconduct and especially
Calendar entry on Academic Misconduct
Please read them. Violation of these rules can lead to disciplinary actions, ranging from a mark of 0 on the assignment/essay, failure of the course, or expulsion from the university.

I do not pass essays through TurnItIn because I feel that their appropriation of your work to further they own commercial interests without permission or compensation makes my using it hypocritical. I do however have a fair knowledge of the material on the web and in books, and have often been able to identify when people have simply copied something. If I am very suspicious of a paragraph or so from your essay, I might submit it on its own to TurnItIn without any reference to you or the context of the larger essay.

I also reserve the right to call you in for a discussion of your essay, especially if I feel that it might have violated any of the above proscription.


Copyright William Unruh 2024