For the complete source for the Crypt Breaker's Workbench, see This is an ancient program (from 1987) and its ability to run on any modern machine is doubtful. Ie, you will need to do some work on the source code to get it working. The following is from a very old version of CBW
This directory contains the source, documentation, and auxilary files for the Crypt Breakers Workbench (cbw). CBW is a multi-window integrated workbench of tools that help a cryptanalist read files encrypted with the BSD4.2 crypt command. Anyone may copy, modify, use, or redistribute this system. It was originally written by Robert W. Baldwin at MIT. GETTING STARTED A user's manual is provided in cbw.doc. The scribe source for the user's manual is in cbw.mss. The file Index briefly describes the various programs in this directory. CBW is written in C and distributed with the source code to encourage people to play with it. It should run on any display terminal. Read the users manual for information on terminal compatibility. TO COMPILE CBW Execute "make" with no arguments. CBW uses routines from the termcap and curses libraries, but it does not use the full curses package. A FEW OTHER NOTES Page 2 of the users manual mentions that CBW cannot work against files that have been run through compress (1) before encryption. Personally, I would prefer to have a DES-based self-inverse cipher. Most DES programs need to be told whether they are in encrypt or decrypt mode. However, IBM only grants free use of DES if it is used according to NBS guidelines, and self-inverse is not one of the accepted operating modes. TESTING The following is a step by step sequence of commands to exercise the Crypt Breakers Workbench. It demonstrates how easily crypt files can be broken. 1. Edit stats.slice to set the name of the directory that contains the statistics files. Statistics for scribe documents are included with the source files. The stats.slice file also defines the location of the dictionary used by the lookup-pattern command. The default dictionary is /usr/dict/words. The dictionary is just a list of words, one per line. Case does not matter. 2. Execute 'source stats.slice' to initialize the necessary shell variables. 3. If there is a .slice file for your terminal type (e.g., vt100.slice, or h19.slice), execute source on that file. This initializes the graphics map and key map. 4. Print out cbw.doc, so you can read it after you have decided that you can't figure out how the program works. 5. Copy test3.perm and .cipher to foo.perm and foo.cipher. The .txt files contain the original plaintext. 6. Execute 'cbw foo'. 7. The cursor will on the command line. Use the arrow keys (or C-P, C-N, C-F, C-B) to move the cursor to the upper lefthand position of the decryption window. Try typing '@Device[Dover]'. Notice that most of the characters you type deduced other characters in the block. 8. The 'D' in 'Dover' is wrong. Using the arrow keys, position the cursor over the 'D' and type 'd'. 9. Advance to the position after the ']' and type C-T. A list of possible characters for this position will be displayed. The list is sorted with the most likely character on the left. Notice that many characters are not possible because they would deduce non-ascii characters elsewhere in the block, or they would conflict with previously accepted guesses. Try guessing tab, comma and linefeed for the character after the ']'. Use C-G to undo each guess. Delete and C-D do not restore the old state, they just erase the wiring that was deduced by a particular character. 10. Move the cursor down to the command line. You can use emacs cursor characters (C-N, C-P, C-F, C-B) or the arrow keys. Unfortunately, C-U does not work as in emacs. The C-X key or F4 will jump directly to the command line. 11. Type 'pw '. The space will cause command completion for the probable-word guessing command. Type F2 (or C-S) to advance to the first argument, and enter the file name 'mss.words'. That file contains a list of keywords used by the Scribe (Finalword) text formatter. Press F2 to advance to the second argument, which specifies a cut-off level for automatically accepting guesses. The level is the maximum number of standard deviations that the scoring function can be away from its expected value. Enter 1.2, and press return to invoke the command. 12. A partially filled in block will appear in the guessing window. To accept the result of this command, press F3 (or C-A). 13. Try the pword guess command again with a level of 3. To do this, just move to the command line, change the 1.2 to a 3, and press return. Again F3 accepts the guess. If some guesses look wrong (such as the 'F' on the second line under the '[Article]'), you can correct them using the editor in the decryption block window. 14. Advance to block 1 of the file by moving the cursor to the decryption window and pressing F2 (or C-S). F1 (or C-R) moves back one block, F2 moves ahead one block. 15. The second block is likely to be plain english with few scribe commands. Move to the command window, type C-U to erase the line and type 'bi ' to setup the bigram guessing command. Try an acceptance level of 1.0 and a minimum probability of 0.6. Type return to invoke the command. 16. After a short wait (~15 seconds), a partial block will appear. Accept the guess with the F3 key in the guessing window. 17. Try looking up a pattern in the dictionary. In the command window type 'look ', use F2 to advance to the pattern, and type in the pattern '....llit.', and press return. This will match against the word 'satellite' if it is in you site's dictionary. 18. One could go on like this, but let's skip ahead by loading in a previously saved state. Invoke the load command (it loads the file foo.perm, just as save dumps to foo.perm (making this command take a filename is a good implementation exercise)). Type C-U, 'load ', and return. Notice that all the work so far is replaced by the information in the .perm file. This can be considered a feature. 19. Use the F1 and F2 keys in the decryption window to view the blocks that have been solved. Notice that a fully solved block does not specify all the wirings of the block key (permutation). Typically only 105 of the 128 wires are used. 20. Lets try deducing the inter-block relationship (zee). Execute the clear-zee command. 21. Execute knit blocks 0 through 3 with a min show count of 20. This means that the program should only show you guesses that deduce 20 or more wirings of the zee permutation. Press return to invoke this guessing strategy. The cursor will move to the guessing window. Press F2 to start the first round of guessing. The running time of the knit command is exponential in the number of blocks knitted, and it will run for a very long time if any of the blocks are decrypted incorrectly. This means that it is better to leave a position blank than to guess at it. 22. The program moves to block 4 and shows you the characters in block 4 that would be deduced from block 3 given the deduced wirings of zee. If these look reasonable, press F3 to accept the guess, and press F2 to try the next guess. To reject a guess, press F2 without pressing F3. 23. Now that part of zee is known, try propagating the settings of block 1 into block 0 using zee. The propagate command will do this. Also try propagating blocks 2, 3, and 4 to zero. Notice that the number of known wires can increase without deducing additional characters in the block. 24. There should be a command that propagates information between groups of blocks, but for now you must do this one block at a time. After propagating block 1 - 4 to block zero, and block zero to blocks 1 - 4, et cetera, try the knit command again. 25. Propagate block 4 to 5 to provide a framework to evaluate new guesses. 26. Knit block 0 through 4 with a minimum show level of 2. You may want to skip accepting guesses that do not deduce any characters. Repeat this process with a show level of 1. 27. The program should now know all 256 wirings of zee. Repeat the process of propagating information between blocks until all 128 wires of the block zero are known. 28. Save your work with the save-permutations command (on the command line type 'sa ' and press return). This writes the file foo.perm. 29. Exit the program with the quit command. 30. Copy foo.perm to zeecode.perm. 31. Execute 'zeecode < foo.cipher | more '. This program reads CBW's save file to find the permutation for block zero and the Zee permutation that describes how the remaining block keys are generated. Using this information it decodes standard input and writes on standard output. 32. That's all.