B.Sc., Sussex (1978) M.Sc., Lancaster (1979) D.Phil., Sussex (1983) Postdoct. Appts.: Massachusetts (1983) Grenoble (1985-87) Madrid and ITP, Santa Barbara (1988-89) Royal Society (London), European Fell. (1985-87) CSIC Personal Investigador, Spain (1988-9) URF, Vancouver (1989-94)
Second, I work on a variety of "macroscopic quantum phenomena", where a macroscopic coordinate (or coordinates) must be fully quantized. Of special interest are such phenomena in ferromagnets -- theory predicts that large domain walls (1012 spins) may tunnel through distances 103\AA, at millikelvin temperatures. Theory shows that the coupling to the environment (consisting of magnons, phonons, photons, impurities and defects) does not destroy this tunneling, making this the only serious candidate for macroscopic tunneling apart from SQUIDS.
I am also doing related work on quantum diffusion (of, eg., muons), on the quantum dynamics of vortices in neutron stars, and on dissipative quantum computers and the quantum theory of measurement (the latter being fundamental to macroscopic quantum phenomena). My work on quantum chaotic systems with dissipation is also related to this (and also, amusingly to superstring theory).
"Quantum Dynamics and Tunneling of Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Insulators", Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2802-2805 (1991), P.C.E. Stamp.
"Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization in Solids", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B6, 1453-1572 (1992), P.C.E. Stamp, E.M. Chudnovsky, B. Barbara.
"Response Functions of a Quantum Fractal System: The Wannier-Azbel-Hofstadter problem", Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2503-2506 (1991), P.C.E. Stamp.