UBC Theoretical Physics Homepage
Welcome to the UBC theoretical physics Web server, for users of
Mosaic, Netscape
and other Web browsers.
Here you'll find some of the more useful hypertext
If you have a suggestion,
let us know.
Each piece of underlined text represents a link to more
information. Simply click on it to access it.
Here's an index to what we have right now:
- Lots of electronic
physics news
journals (at Brown U.)
- Physics Arxiv papers Repository:
- SISSA/Babbage W3 server
- SLAC services:
HEP preprints search
other SPIRES databases
- Particle Physics Handbook
- Physics Journals Online. Many of these may only be
accessible from a UBC computer as they are restricted to institutions
who already purchase institutional copies of the paper journal.
- APS (Phys. Rev family)
- AIP (many free journals)
- IOP (J. Phys family etc.)
- AAS (Astrophysical J.)
- Scholar's Protal Access via UBC Library to journals
of Academic Press, Elsevier Science,
Kluwer Publishers, Springer-Verlag, and Wiley Publishing
- Elsevier (can see lists
of all of their journals,
which for a price
can be obtained in an
electronic version, though
most are not on the
- Springer-Verlag (many journals, including the
Z. Phys. family
and Astronomy and Astrophysics
- currently offering free
electronic access during an
indeterminate testing period)
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(Only Table of Contents and Letters available on line)
Net Advance of Physics
A general Physics Web server of variable quality-
giving introductions to a variety of Physics topics.
- As well as the above, we also have
CERN and
DESY (including
HEP information), and there are oodles of
other organizations, too.
- HEPIC, the High Energy Physics
Information Center at Fermilab
- Quantum Rebel? Comments on New Scientist story
"Quantum Rebel" July 24 2004.
- Map of Worldwide Services
- Physics Related
Netnews (read only)
- The Skeptical Inquirer
- A group that debunks pseudo- and non-science.
Project Gutenberg--Literary Texts
- Operating systems
- Cryptography
PGP and other crytography topics.
- wgen source and binary A
cryptographic password generator for Linux-- generates "passwords" together
with an entropy estimate using /usr/share/dict/words ( or your choice -f)
from the quatrogram (four letter combinations) of the words in the
dictionary. The passwords are like, but usually not, english words ( or
whatever dictionary you use). To compile wgen, use -lm for the math
Useage: wgen [-l #] [-n #] [-f {dictionary}| - ] [-h]
-l max length of words (10), -n number of words created (20),
-f dictionary file with - meaning stdin (/usr/share/dict/words), -h help.
- Email and Phone Directories
- Price Watch-
Searchable list of prices for computer parts and supplies (CPUs, memory,
Disks, etc)
Sun Managers
archive site with search tools.
- The Internet
Weather Report- Internet connection conditions around the world.
- Computer Crimes
The Third Man
Locations in Vienna of the movie,
The Third Man
Titanic Disaster Lecture delived by Roy Brander on
the Titanic Disaster, with comparison with the Challenger disaster.
Grand Rapids American Pie Lipdub
In 2011 the city of Grand Rapids organized and filmed a massive lipdub (the
music was a recording of a live concert by Donald Mclean, and the people in
the video were pretending to sing the song) of American Pie 50 years after its
release. The film was all shot in one long continuous take through downtown Grand Rapids
with lots of people from the town taking part. It is an amazing film, and
oddly touching. Ebert called it the greatest music video of all times.
Grand Rapids American Pie LipDub.
Route of the shoot through the streets of
downtown Grand Rapids
The Making of the
Grand Rapids Lip Dub
Grand Rapids LipDub
Grand Rapids Lip Dub American Pie rehearsals

Optical Illusions
Address Problems to
The Web Master (theoryweb@physics.ubc.ca)